Some common types of pests that indoor plants attracts are:
- Fungus gnats
- Aphids
- Mealybugs
- Scales
- Spider Mites
- Whiteflies
- Fresh produce (fruits and vegetables)
- Open doors and windows
- Freshly plucked flowers
- Soil mix or compost
How do pests harm indoor plants?
We want to avoid pest infestations in houseplants if at all possible. Most pests are attracted to plants for their sap, leaves and roots. Aphids like to feed on plant sap, and cause yellowing, browning of leaves. Stunted leaves are also a sign of aphid infestation. You can see if your plants have been infested by aphids by looking for slimy, liquid substances on the leaves and stems (known as “honeydew” which is secreted by aphids). Aphids multiply quickly, so they can soon become a major problem if not treated early.Fungus gnats, in terms of size, are similar to fruit flies. Fungus gnats are pests to indoor plants as well as a nuisance to humans. Gnats are attracted to the moisture in potted soil, and lay eggs near the soil surface in organic matter. The larvae feed on plant roots. Fungus gnats can go airborne, and sometimes fly into faces, eyes, and noses causing annoyance.

How to get rid of aphids and gnats on plants naturally?
There are a number of natural remedies that may help you get rid of plant pests. Perhaps, the most tried and tested home remedy that you will come across when you search “how to get rid of gnats” or “how to get rid of aphids” is spraying soapy water on plants. Plants may be sensitive to soapy water, and it may cause more damage to the plant than repair. Some suggest spraying essential oils like neem oil to repel any pests whatsoever. Although effective, these oils may wash away when you spray the plants to water them, bringing a scurry of plant pests such as gnats or aphids again.The bigger question here is how to get rid of gnats and aphids on indoor plants in the long term?
If you are looking to protect your home and your precious indoor plants from destructive fungus gnats and aphids, you should opt in for Envirobug’s sticky plant traps. Indoor plant gnat traps and aphid traps work to prevent aphids and gnats alike. Simply put, sticky gnat traps and aphid traps are exactly like sticky fly traps, only, these plant traps are designed to work specifically against aphids and fungus gnats.How do Envirobug’s sticky traps work for gnats and aphids?
Envirobug’s sticky traps for gnats and aphids are covered with a sticky liquid that acts as an attractant for gnats and aphids. When gnats and aphids smell the sticky substance, they are drawn towards the trap rather than your indoor plants. This liquid acts as a glue, and traps aphids, gnats and other types of plant pests as well. The sticky traps are simple to handle, and the ergonomic design enables you to insert the traps inside your plant pots. At Envirobug, we care for the environment, which is why all of our products have a strict zero toxin policy. The traps are completely pet safe, and can be stored for extended use (up to three years).Indoor plants come with numerous benefits. They improve air quality, are known to reduce stress levels, and a study even found that having indoor plants can improve productivity. Indoor plants, like other plants, are also part of the food chain for certain pests, and therefore are vulnerable to infestations. However, taking the right steps, you can effectively prevent your indoor plants from infestation. Pay attention when you’re watering your plants so that you don’t over water them, prevent moisture from accumulating into the soil, and get rid of standing water. For good measure, insert sticky traps in the pot to divert plant pests from your plants to the traps.