Few animals say Australia more than the humble possum. There are several species of possum throughout the country and they’re all protected from harm under law.
But that doesn’t mean that they don’t cause a problem in the country. While they’re unlikely to attack you, they can spread disease and be destructive in your garden.
Therefore, many people would prefer that they use a possum repellent for their garden and home to ensure that they don’t get an uninvited guest to their home.
Possums Cause Significant Damage to the Home
One of the big problems with possums is that they can cause significant damage to a home. They can access a home’s loft or ceiling area through small gaps or holes in the wall/roofing. Once inside, the space is a perfect location for the possum to make a nest or den.
Other areas where the possum might like to make a home are in the hollow of a tree truck, nesting box, or inside a garage or shed.
The den becomes a focal point of the activities of the possum. During the day they will spend their time inside the den, eating foraged foods they picked up overnight, sleeping, and occasionally relieving themselves, which can cause a smell in the home and cause further damage.
Nesting material can also be rather unpleasant. Not only can that smell, but it can also bring in additional pests and unwanted guests. Nesting areas can also become pretty dirty with rotting food.
It is not uncommon for nesting areas to also suffer from ant or fly infestations as the rotting food attracts them. Mice and rats might also frequently visit the area.
Another common problem is that the moisture caused by the breathing of the possum, the urination, and the uneaten food can cause significant mould issues within the home.
One of the few benefits of a possum invasion compared to a rat/mouse is that these animals are solitary. Only female possums with their babies nest together, and once the baby is mature enough to fend for itself, it will find its territory.
Health Problems Caused by Possums
Disease is one of the major issues when facing a possum invasion. Numerous diseases can be spread by the presence of a possum in the home. Possums are known to carry ticks and mites that can spread life-threatening illnesses to pets and humans. Some of these are known to be very painful.
Many of those who experience contamination from possum activity can suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and other unpleasant conditions. Some people can be hospitalised.
Possum Deterrent from Roof Spaces
Protecting your home and roof spaces from possums is very important. There are several ways that you can protect your property.
Keeping Plants Safe

It is critical to protect your home, but to do that you want to also learn how to protect the plants in your garden. There are lots of plants in your garden that are going to be very attractive to possums. These are a source of food, and that is an attractant to the possum, which is why they might choose your home for their den.
There are several options for protecting plants in your garden. You can use wire mesh over them, but that makes maintenance and even the aesthetic appearance of the plants worse. Another option is for the use of an Envirobug sentinel device. This can protect areas by using motion detection to emit sound, movement, and water to deter animals that are entering an area. The solar-powered devices are environmentally friendly and can protect a garden from all kinds of pests including possums, foxes, birds, and rats.
Use an Ultrasonic Possum Deterrent

Another option is to use an ultrasonic deterrent. These are installed inside the home and then release a regular ultrasonic noise that is unbearable to the possum. It prevents them from getting any rest and can be a big nuisance for them. As a result, many possums will seek new den areas.
The sounds emitted by the ultrasonic devices are very useful because they aren’t detectable by humans or pets. Therefore, they’re safe. However, they can also deter other pests like rats and mice.
It is important to constantly use the ultrasonic device. A possum will likely have more than one den in an area. If they start to hear the noise, they might temporarily vacate a den area, only to return later on when you’ve turned the device off. An alternative problem is that once you’ve turned the device off, another possum will decide to move in.
Why Use Environmentally Friendly Products
There are numerous reasons why the products offered by Envirobug are a perfect option for controlling possums in your area. They’re a great environmentally friendly set of products that can defend your home and garden in numerous ways without having to cause harm to the pests, you, or your family (including pests).
They’re also very cost-effective. Many of our products, such as the sentinel motion detection device and the snake repeller, are solar-powered. Therefore, you can benefit from the device without having to continuously buy new batteries.
Why We Don’t Harm Pests
Many people wonder why we make the effort to come up with solutions that don’t cause harm to pests. However, it is relatively simple. Possums are protected under the law, so it is illegal to cause them harm unless it is in self-defense.
However, even besides the legality of it, many pests are vital for our fragile ecosystem. Mice and rats are critical prey items for many native predators including foxes, snakes, and birds. Therefore, removing them from the ecosystem might also cause harm to these creatures.
These pests can also perform a vital function in the ecosystem, clearing waste from plants such as dropped fruits.
By keeping them away from human habitation, we’re not spreading diseases that can be harmful, but we are also allowing the animals to exist and be part of the delicate ecosystem that they all play an important part in.
Final Word: Possum Repellent

For those who have possums, getting a possum repellent is essential. Once they’ve made a home in your home, you’re at risk from some of the diseases that they carry. Luckily, there are several tricks you can use to protect your home.
So if you hear them in your house, moving around, use one of the environmentally friendly possum repellents on your home to get them to move along quickly.