How to Get Rid of Spiders?

Spider Infestations

Spiders are a common intruder into homes, especially those with many good hiding spaces. In Australia, spiders love to hunt near humans because of the pests that we attract, such as flies and cockroaches. 

While most Australian species aren’t that dangerous to humans with venom being low toxicity to humans, that doesn’t mean you want to encourage them either, even if you’re not arachnophobic.

The most problematic species in Australia are the Sydney funnel-web spider and the redback spider. These spiders can deliver a painful and highly toxic bite. However, thanks to the introduction of anti-venom, there have been no recorded deaths from these species since 1979.

So in this article, we will be looking at how to get rid of spiders from your home and other areas around your property to ensure you don’t have to deal with these unwanted pests. 

Why Do Spiders Come into Your House and Car?

To protect your house and car, you need to understand more about spiders.

Common Reasons for Spider Infestations

Reasons for Spider Infestations

There are numerous reasons why spiders enter a home, outbuilding, car, or other property you have. These can include the following reasons.

  • Protection - Spiders are often portrayed in the media and movies as top predators, with no need for any fear against other animals. However, spiders are relatively low on the food chain and have numerous predators, especially birds, reptiles, and mice. Even those that are venomous can have numerous predators. Yet being in the home reduces the risk of being eaten.
  • Food - Spiders not only escape predators when they enter a home, but they can also often find lots of their prey when they’re in a home. Humans attract lots of different potential prey such as flies, silverfish, cockroaches, and more
  • Moisture - Spiders aren’t fond of excessive moisture in the air, especially after the rain. Therefore, if it is wet or cold outside then they might seek the shelter of a home where it is drier.
  • Accidental Entry - Whether it is on plants you’ve bought from a garden centre or from accidentally entering after you’ve been on a walk, gardening or a trip to the beach, spiders can accidentally enter the home very easily.
  • Ballooning - There are times when spiders may balloon silk from their abdomens to escape rising waters or excessive rain.
  • Breeding - Sometimes during the breeding seasons, male spiders may enter the home to find female spiders who’ve already entered the home.

Understanding Spider Behavior and Habitats

It is important to remember that spiders are very instinct-driven creatures. They’re looking for places where they can hide, find food, and be safe. These instincts drive their every move. They will often react to the slightest movement or environmental change, moving to a different location if they think there might be a better location.

And one factor that you might want to consider is whether you have hiding spaces in your home. Spiders are secretive, therefore, you will want to ensure that you don’t have too many hiding spaces in your home. Decluttering can be an important part of this.

You will also want to ensure that you’re cleaning your property regularly to ensure that spiders don’t find anywhere undisturbed that they can hide in.

How to Get Rid of Spiders in the House

There are several ways that you can get rid of spiders in house. Here are some of the simple solutions.

Natural Remedies to Remove Spiders

There are numerous natural remedies to remove spiders from the home. These include the following options:

  • Cedar: The strong scent of this wood can repel spiders who don’t like the aroma. You can use cedar hangers in closets, or perhaps add cedar blocks in dark spots or corners of your home.
  • Vinegar: The acetic acid found in vinegar is not tolerated by numerous species. It adds a sour taste and odour that they will usually avoid. You can mix vinegar with warm water and spray this around your home.
  • Peppermint: This oil is great for repelling these arachnids. They don’t like the substance’s odour or feel when they’re moving around.
  • Diatomaceous earth: A natural pesticide that kills and repels spiders, and some other insects. This is a very natural way to deter spiders, but it can be messy.
  • Lemon/Citrus Spray: Mixing lemon or lime juice with water can create a spray that will ward off spiders.
  • Horse chestnuts: A natural oil that repels spiders. These can be placed in a net bag and hung in the wardrobe or around the home.
  • Eucalyptus: Planting eucalyptus trees around the home or keeping them in the garden is a good way to repel

Planting eucalyptus trees in your garden or around your home can help keep spiders away.

Cleaning and Decluttering to Prevent Spiders

Another option that should be considered is cleaning and decluttering your home. Spiders love to live in areas where you’re not frequently moving about or disturbing them. For example, they like to live in the back of cupboards and behind furniture. These areas are particularly good because this is where other insects like to live, they’re normally humid enough for the spiders to moult and live and they’re at limited risk from predators.

Doing a weekly clean can help to deter them from resettling into these areas as well. Spiders are also very tuned into vibrations. If you’re using a hoover or moving around a home a lot, it can be enough to get them to vacate the area.

When cleaning, you might want to install ultrasonic devices to deter spiders throughout the home. These are harmless to humans and pets, but can help to keep pests away from the home.

Sealing Entry Points to Keep Spiders Out

Another thing to do is to try to prevent spiders from accessing the home in the first place. To start with, you can find vents and other access points and place a fine mesh covering over them. This can help to reduce the number of spiders that access the property.

Another option is to use window mesh across open windows that don’t allow insects to access the home.

You might also want to use spider repellents that create an environment that is undesirable to the arachnids.

When you’re bringing groceries or outside items into the home, it is also best to check them over for any unwanted guests that might be hiding. This is especially true if you’re bringing in wooden items such as firewood for a log burner. Spiders often hide in these items.

Spiders in the Car

How to Get Rid of Spiders in the Car

Spiders aren’t just a problem for homes. They can also be problematic in vehicles, especially cars.

There are no statistics on how many crashes are caused by spiders in the car, but being distracted is a leading cause of car crashes in Australia. There are reports of people who have been distracted by a spider or have had an accident because they’ve seen a spider in their car, sometimes with serious consequences.

And while it is more common that spiders are found on the outside of the car, large male huntsman spiders do frequently make their way inside, to protect themselves from the elements.

Steps to Remove Spiders from Your Vehicle

Spiders in your car can be something that you dread. However, it is important to not panic when you see them. The simple step is to pull over into a safe spot and then use a cup or other container to gently trap the spider and then remove it from the car.

During regular cleaning sessions of your car, you can use a hoover to clean hard-to-reach locations in your car. This can ensure spiders don’t make a home in your house.

Preventing Spiders from Entering Your Car

There are numerous ways that you can prevent spiders from entering your car.

Keep Your Car Clean

Spiders are attracted to spots in the car where they might find prey, like other insects. These can be attracted by areas that have crumbs, rubbish, or food in them. Therefore, cleaning your car can remove these insects and not attract spiders.

When cleaning the outside of your car, be sure to pay attention to the side mirrors, wheel arches, and the bonnet. These are classic spots for the spiders to hide. You can also look in vents for twigs and leaves.

Close the Car Securely

Small spiders can access the car through the smallest of gaps in the car. So always close doors and windows securely to prevent the spiders from accessing the car. You also need to do regular checks on the door trips and rubber seals to ensure they’re thoroughly closed.

Watch Your Parking

Parking near areas where spiders like to frequent, like under trees can be particularly troublesome. If it is raining, this can be more of a problem as spiders will try to access your car for shelter.

How to Get Rid of Spiders Outside

If you like to spend time outside, then you’re likely to come across spiders at some point. But you can minimise these encounters through these strategies to help reduce the number of spiders that like to call your garden home.

Yard Maintenance and Prevention Tips

The first thing to do is to keep your garden maintained. Keep the grass cut short and trim hedges and borders. Also, don’t allow for a build-up of garden cuttings, these are a prime location for spiders because their prey is attracted to these areas.

Be sure to keep sheds and garages clean as well. These areas are great for spiders if they’re not in use often and not kept clean.

Natural Deterrents for Outdoor Spiders

There are numerous natural deterrents for outdoor spiders, these include the following:

  • Certain Plants: You can use certain plants that emit an odour that spiders don’t like. Eucalyptus is one of the most common plants to use to ward off spiders, but there are some like the huntsman that do like these plants. Citrus fruit plants are also really good at deterring spiders from your garden.
  • Predators: Making your home a welcome spot for natural predators of spiders can be one option. Birds love to eat spiders, and being bird-friendly can help you attract the spider-eaters and keep your garden spider-free.

How to Prevent Spiders from Coming Back

Once you’ve gotten rid of the spiders, you will want to prevent the spiders from coming back. Here are several options to help you.

Regular Cleaning and Decluttering

Cleaning once a year or month isn’t going to keep spiders away. Weekly cleaning schedules where you meticulously and methodically clean the home, garden, and car are the only ways to ensure that there are no areas where spiders can hide. If you don’t like doing the cleaning all in one day, then why not split the cleaning up into smaller jobs, focusing on one or two rooms a day?

Using Essential Oils and Natural Sprays

There are numerous essential oils and natural sprays (like lemon or lime sprays) that create an environment that deters spiders from the home/car. Using these regularly during cleaning, or even in-between cleaning schedules can be one of the best ways that you can keep spiders out.

Fixing Gaps and Cracks in Walls, Windows, and Doors

General maintenance can block access points for spiders and other insects into your home. Doing a monthly check around the home for gaps, and cracks in the wall, windows, or doors can not only keep the bugs out but help reduce heating bills and prevent moisture build-up.

Final Word

Spiders are a natural part of our ecosystem, they do keep other pest numbers down. However, that doesn’t mean that you want them in your home or car. Above are some of the best ways to prevent and treat spider infestations in your home, so you can feel safe and not have to worry about the small creatures accidentally biting you.

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