Moths are a vital part of our ecosystems. They’re a food source for many of our favourite species, including bats and birds. But they can also be a nuisance for homeowners. Some people might be allergic to them. Clothes moths, for instance, produce fine particles that cause skin and respiratory reactions in some people.
Therefore, moth control is vitally important in the home, especially as some people develop the allergy as they spend more time around moths. In this article, we will look at moths, their lifecycle, and their interactions with humans before delving into ways to get rid of moths in the home so you and your family are protected.
Understanding Moth Behavior
Clothes moths belong to a large group of small moths from the Tineidae family. Two particular species are the most destructive. But it is important to note that adult clothes moths, known as millers, are harmless and do not cause any damage to fabrics, though they can cause allergic reactions.
In contrast, their larvae can be very destructive, feeding on wool, feathers, fur, cotton, and synthetic fibres.
To ensure that you’re protecting your home, health, and clothing, you need to understand more about the moth.
Moth Life Cycle

The moth life cycle is very typical of numerous species within the group. They go through a complete metamorphosis of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The total development time of the species depends on the access to food, temperature, and humidity. In most circumstances, the whole life cycle is complete within three months.
However, there have been experiments and examples of the species spending more than a year in development.
The female moths mate and lay up to 50 eggs very shortly after they’ve emerged from the pupa stage. These eggs are glued onto threads of fabric. The female will die very shortly afterward.
Males can live much longer as they continue to mate with females for their lives.
The eggs can take up to 2 days to hatch into larvae, which will then proceed to eat as much as they can, and this is when they are most destructive. Larvae go through four to six instars (growth periods) before they’ve finished feasting and will become pupae where the final transformation takes place. The papal stage can last between eight and 40 days, with colder months taking longer.
Moth Species Common in Homes
There are numerous moth species that you might find in the Australian home. The four that you might find include the Wood Moth (Endoxyla cinera), Brown House Moth (Lepidoptera oecophoridae), Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella) and Tiger Moth (Arctiidae Lepidoptera).
These can all be particularly destructive. For instance, the wood moth can eat through timber structures and furniture, which can cause significant damage. At the same time, the larvae of clothes moths can cause significant damage to furniture, clothes, and other items around the home.
Knowing which species is causing the problem can be important. If you know what they’re attracted to, you can use the right deterrents in the home.
Identifying Moth Infestations

There are lots of ways that you can identify whether there is a moth infestation in your home. These signs are easy to spot and can be the first step in ensuring that you’re safe from moth infestations and all the potential problems that they can cause.
One sign that you cannot mistake is seeing an individual yourself. You can either see one of the moths as it flies around the home, remembering that they prefer the night. You might see papal or caterpillars in clothing or other areas.
Signs in Clothing and Fabrics
There are many signs that you can look for in clothing and fabrics. You might see individuals, eggs, and even damage to the clothing and fabrics. Damage might be small holes in the clothing, though there are also times when entire garments can be significantly damaged.
There might also be droppings in the clothing. These are small and black.
Signs in Pantries and Food Storage Areas
Food can be a particular area where moth young can be found. Looking regularly at food stores can be important. You might not see any caterpillars in the food, but you will be able to see food eaten or their droppings.
You might also see webs or silk from some species.
Effective Strategies: What Kills Moths
When you see moths in the home, you want to remove them as soon as possible. They are destructive and can cause allergies. There are several different ways that you can kill moths quickly and inexpensively. Here we go through some of the common methods that you can kill moths without using any dangerous chemicals that might place your family or pets at risk.
Natural Remedies
Natural remedies are some of the most effective solutions to preventing moths from establishing themselves around the home.
Cedarwood and Lavender

Cedarwood and lavender are two elements that you can add to your home that are hated by moths. These two items in the home emit a fragrance that can deter moths and they will avoid areas with them.
In addition, they can make your home smell pleasant, which is more than can be said of other treatments that can be applied to your home.
Vacuuming and Cleaning
Cleaning is an effective way to keep moths from establishing in your home. There are several ways that cleaning can disrupt the life cycle. For instance, you can vacuum up the eggs from the moths or even some of the smaller caterpillars.
In addition, you can remove things that might attract them. Or you could disturb the moths who prefer darker environments.
Chemical Solutions
Several chemical solutions might be used for getting rid of moths in the home. It is important to carefully choose the solutions you want. Some are better than others for smell and safety.
Moth Traps and Insecticides
You can use moth traps that can catch and kill moths very easily. These traps can be used to kill adults very easily which can help you protect your home from having eggs laid in various locations.
The problem is that moth traps don’t work when they catch female moths that have already laid their eggs. That being said, they can do well at catching males that can continue to fertilise females.
You might want to include traps in locations that are away from your food items. Some people use these inside cupboards but not in the kitchen.
One chemical that might be used is mothballs. Mothballs are toxic and they can cause severe illness in children and pets. So if you have dogs and cats then you might not want to use these.
An alternative is to use Envirobug solutions. These are very environmentally friendly and are safe to use around children and pets.
Professional Pest Control Services
In addition, you will want to consider using professional pest control services. They can look for and identify the species of moth that are infesting your home. They might also want to use traps or they might use something else that can keep your home free from moths.
Will Moths Go Away on Their Own?
Many people think that moths will go away on their own. While you might not see moths for some time, that doesn’t mean that they’ve completely gone.
Natural Life Cycle Explanation
Moths have a natural life cycle that can be easily explained, but it is important to understand. They start as caterpillars, which is what causes the most damage. From here they go through a metamorphosis stage in a pupal which can last up to 80 days. They are then moths that go in search of a mate and lay eggs.
The simple, easy life cycle can be hard to disrupt because while you don’t see moths, that doesn’t mean that caterpillars aren’t hiding somewhere.
Conditions Affecting Moth Infestation Duration
Numerous features can cause the infestation to speed up or slow down. In perfect conditions, moths can go through two or even three generations in 12 months.
However, temperatures, humidity, and availability of food are all important factors in how fast the moths develop. In addition, these species prefer to live in a dark place. So if somewhere is constantly disturbed then this can disrupt the speed of the moth infestation and can mean that moths avoid the area.
Implementing Strategies: How to Remove Moths from Your House

There are several strategies that you can use to remove moths from a home. These are as follows.
Step 1: Inspection and Identification
The first thing that you need to do is to identify the moths that are infesting your home. If you know what is infesting your home you can see if there are any caterpillars near their prime food source. You might also want to look at caterpillar food sources. Any individuals that you do see can almost immediately be identified as they all look very different.
Step 2: Immediate Action
Now immediate action needs to be taken. Using moth traps and cleaning can help reduce the immediate infestation of the moths.
Be sure to clean not just the area where you have seen moths, but also other areas where they might infest, so you don’t miss any eggs.
Step 3: Preventive Measures
Once you’ve cleaned the infestation, it is important to continue the preventive measures. This can be done every week, such as regularly cleaning.
Tackling Moths in Australia
There are several issues with tackling moths in Australia.
Unique Challenges in the Australian Context
Australia has some great conditions for moths to breed, which makes it more challenging to control moths. Heat and humidity in the country is perfect for the moths to continuously breed.
Many species can have several generations in a single year, with the average being two generations a year.
Another problem is that Australia has several laws that can prevent the use of repellents.
Moth-Repellent Products Safe for Australia
Many moth-repellent products can be used in Australia, these include those that have been produced by Envirobug. These are safe for use around children and pets. They can be used inside the house but also outside which can help keep moths out of the home.
Timeframe for Success: How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of Moths
Many factors can determine how long it can take to get rid of the moths.
Factors Influencing Duration
For instance, the number of traps or different deterrents you’re using can speed up or slow down the timeframe it takes to get rid of moths. Those who use fewer options tend to have a longer period before they get rid of all the moths.
In addition, if you dry out the home, it can help you to reduce moths in the home quicker. Another key component might be the treatment you use. Envirobug’s treatments are more effective.
Follow-up Practices for Long-Term Prevention
Long-term prevention helps to reduce moths coming back. Regular cleaning is critical. Vacuuming is critical as is dusting and regularly cleaning wardrobes and drawers out.
You might also want to use scents like lavender which can reduce the attractiveness of the home to moths.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do moths enter homes?
Moths can enter the home through windows or small gaps. They tend to come in at night when they are most active.
Are all moths harmful?
All moths have the potential to cause harm, but there are a few that are more harmful to others, especially to clothes.
How often should I inspect my home for moths?
When you first spot a moth, weekly inspections might be best. However, if you don’t see any signs of moths for some time, you might be able to get away with monthly inspections.
Are moth traps effective?
Moth traps are very effective. They can be placed inside or outside and kill off the adult moths before they lay eggs.
Is professional pest control necessary for moth infestations?
No, many of the strategies that are used by professional pet controllers can be done by anyone. Though they might offer a quicker more effective solution as they know the best placements for traps and treatments.