Pests in the home come in all shapes and sizes, from small termites to larger possums and rodents. Many of these animals have life cycles that reduce when they’re active and when they prefer to stay in their nest.
Therefore, many people assume that there are times when it is best to call and use a pest control company.
However, when it comes to the best time for pest control, then you might be surprised by the results.
In this article, we will be looking at the best time of year for pest control whether you’re looking to keep insect populations or rodent infestations down.
Pest Control in Autumn
Autumn is the traditional time when the weather starts to cool off and it gets wetter outside. These conditions are not ideal for numerous pest species that are often outside during the summer like insects.
Therefore, what tends to happen is that the autumn period is when there is an increase in insect activity in the home. At the same time, you should notice a decrease in activity in the garden. If you are noticing there are fewer bugs outside.
It isn’t just homes that are being invaded either. Any outbuildings like sheds and barns can also find themselves home to pests.
And as autumn starts to draw to a close, rodents will also start to make their homes in these areas and access the home more. Especially if you keep food around or offer a warm home environment.
Should You Do Pest Control in Winter?
The winter is when most people think that the battle against pests is over. However, wintertime can be a very active period in homes. Homes kept warm allow some rodents and other species to lengthen their activity period. And with roof spaces, cellars, and unkempt homes, there are plenty of locations where rodents will like to make a home.
Winter is also the period when young rats and mice have left the nest and are looking for their own homes. An inviting roof space might be something that they enjoy.
The longer nights are also great for nocturnal species that might consider using this time to search for more food.

Is Spring the Best Time for Pest Control?
Spring can be a particularly high-activity period for many people in Australia. As the days get longer and the weather warms, then you will get some of those hibernating to come out of their secret hiding location. This can be bad news, as you’ve found that a mouse or possum has been hiding in your home throughout the winter.
Or you might have a bee or termite queen suddenly appear.
A house that offers heat, food, and water is going to attract most of these pests. Therefore, you might have thought you have survived the year without an infestation, but the problem is you’ve been secretly harbouring pests in your home.
You might also notice that there is a lot more activity as a lot of mammals and other animals mate in the springtime.
Summer Pest Control
The summer period is when many animals are thriving. You might notice an increase in activity with young animals starting to emerge from nests and playing in their environment. They might also join parents in efforts to search for food.
Insect hives are also at their largest during this period. If you have lots of flowers in your garden, this can attract bees and wasps. If there is a lot of wood in your garden, termites are likely to access your property.
Rodents and possums are very active in this period. Though they will mostly confine their activity to dawn/dusk periods. If you do see any rodents in your garden, then there is likely a significant rodent nest nearby.
So, What Is the Best Time of Year for Pest Control?
The best time of year for pest control is not a question that you should be asking. The problem is that pests can access a home and use it as their own at any time. Therefore, you should be constantly on the lookout for signs that there are pests in your area.
If you see any signs that there are pests in your home or garden, you might want to call out a pest control company.
The best option is to always try to make your home uninviting. Keep areas clean and tidy, ensuring there is no access to food or shelter in your home. You can also use Envirobug products to deter certain pests like rodents and possums without long-term problems.
By making your home as uninviting as possible, you can reduce the chance that you will get an uninvited house guest.
When people think of pest control, they tend to ignore periods like the winter, when pest activity is considered to be at its lowest. However, the truth is that pests can invade and be active within a home throughout the year. So there is really no best time for pest control.
The best practice is to always make sure that your home is as uninviting as possible. Then when you see any signs of pests in your home, take action to evict them, including calling a pest control company.
What time of the year is best for pest control?
There is no best period for pest control. Pests can invade a home at any period. Be aware of the signs and if there are any, call an expert to help you take care of the problem before it becomes too difficult.
Should you do pest control in winter or summer?
Pest control in the winter or summer does not matter. Winter will likely find pests inside your home, while in the summer, the pests can also be outside.
Is pest control effective in winter?
Pet control is effective throughout the year, regardless of the time. You just need to have an experienced pest control company that can correctly identify the signs and the pets. Then they can come up with a plan that will be able to eliminate the pest from your home.